Beavers in Baltimore
I’m excited to be heading to Baltimore in early March for BeaverCON2020, North America’s very first East Coast beaver conference. This three-day event (March 3-5, 2020) is aimed at resource professionals, researchers and practitioners who want to learn what works in beaver conflict management and watershed restoration.
Organizers Mike Callahan, founder and president of the Beaver Institute, and Scott McGill of Ecotone, a beaver-friendly ecological restoration firm, have put together a dynamite agenda. I’m presenting on the first morning. Then I get to sit back and take in all the other talks. Reading the speakers‘ bios and their presentation abstracts, I know it’s going to be a fascinating few days. Interested? Registration is still open.
If you’re looking for beaver enlightenment on the west side of the continent, watch for the 2021 State of the Beaver Conference. This “international conclave for beaver ecology” is held every two years in Oregon. The 2019 version was the sixth and given the enthusiasm of participants, it’s sure to continue.